Facial diagnosis is an ancient Indian diagnosis technique and is first introduced at nadipathy through which we can diagnose patients health issues. A particular well developed aspects of visual diagnosis in natural healing system of facial diagnosis. Which is the giving of visual outer form of manifestation to inner state of feeling or being. Everyone familiar with facial expression of various emotions and sentiments like joy, sorrow and grief, but the face can give outer expression to inner state of health diseases. 1. Fore head linked to digestion. The upper forehead linked to bladder and lower fore head linked to intestine. 2. Eyebrows linked to adrenal glands 3. Between the eyes liver function 4. Under the eyes linked with kidneys 5. Nose linked with lungs 6. Cheeks linked with lung area 7. Mouth linked with stomach and large intestine 8. Chin linked with reproductive organs Face diagnosis by mere face looking we can find exactly the ailment of the person, we at Nadipathy extensively use this diagnosis for • Kidney function • Liver function • Heart function • Digestive function • Lung function and other diseases Nadipathy successfully treated many complex and chronic conditions like Nervous problems, Body pains, Cervical spondylitis, Lumbar spondylitis, Kidney problems, eye problems, Liver problem, Ear problems, Migraine headaches, Depression, insomnia, infertility through the facial diagnosis.