Mix a fruit of yellow and short variety plantain [musa sapientum] (amruthapani) with little cow’s urine. Take this mixture internally to get relief from asthma
Eat seeds of soap nut [sapindus emarginatus] regularly to control asthma.
Put 5 to 10 drops of neem seed oil [azadiracta indica] in a battle leaf and close it. Eat it two times in a day to get relief asthma within a week.
Take a cup of coffee [coffee Arabica] seed decoction regularly early in the morning on empty stomach to get relief from asthma.
Fry cumin seeds [cuminum cyminum] to dark brown colour on hot pan and power. Give 1 to 2 grams of powder two times a day mixed with ghee. This will also clean the womb of the mothers delivered recently.
Banana is one of the most effective home remedy for the treatment of peptic ulcers.
10 grams of the leaves of this drumstick tree should be ground into a paste, mixed with half a cup of curd, and taken daily is a good medicine for ulcer.
Take table spoon of black sesame seeds, ground to paste and taken with a half of goats milk with teaspoon of jiggery is added, will clear the bleeding and discomfort in two days. Have once a day 2 to 3 times.
A juice of bitter gourd leaves is very beneficial. Two or three spoons of the fresh juice of the leaves with a glass of butter milk should be drunk once a day.
Take a table spoon of holy basil juice, a tea spoon of dried ginger powder, and twice an amount of jiggery. Mix the three ingredients well and take half a teaspoon twice a day with warm water. This helps digestion and regulates the appetite.