Pulse balancing is the one of the best treatment in . It is an ancient Indian spiritual healing system. Human body is made up of five elements (fire, earth, air, water and wood) and the universe is also made up of pancha bhoothas. The universal energy is passed in human body through certain pathways called meridians. Each organ in the human body is associated to a specific element. The five elements would receive energy from the universe and pass this energy to the organ they are associated to
is an ancient treatment method; the disease can be diagnosed through (Nerve Inspection) Nadi pariksha. In ancient Indian traditional treatment when the physical body became (dis-ease) ill, they used to treat the subtle (astral) body. By treating the subtle body we can make physical body healthy. Subtle body made up of 2, 72,000Nadis, if any one of the Nadi not working properly it multiplies gradually (i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 …) decreases its energy. By examining them we can cure the diseases of the past, present and future as well