Sujok acupuncture is an ancient Indian healing system of Nadipathy A technique of diagnosis and treatment, with the use of hands and feet. In this method curing disease by stimulation of the hands and the feet with combined use of acupuncture , medical treatments aids like moxibustion, finger pressure therapy and others. This therapy was given to us by South Korean, scientist professor Park Jae Woo. Sujok therapy is a synthesis of natural treatment methods and based on certain physiological principles. Some of these methods can be used every persons of life. Cure by acting on one hand and foot.
Sujok acupuncture method of curing disease by stimulation of the hands and feet. It is an alternative medicine of healing system of treatment compressing of a variety of technique to prevent and cure illness and restore the health without any drugs. The theoretical basis of this system of healing is discovery of self regulation and energy system of human body. The hands and feet structurally located on organs both on hands and feet. Sujok relies on a numbers of implements to the locate and energise the problem points. It is good for curing as well as preventing disease and physical, mental and emotional level using hands and feet as treatment areas.