Tongue diagnosis is an ancient Indian diagnosis technique and is first introduced at Nadipathy through which we can diagnose patients health issues. When the examine the tongue at the colour of the tongue body, its size and shape, the colour and thickness of coating is indicated to location of abnormalities and moistures or dryness of the tongue. These signs reveal the overall health to specific organ function, especially in the digestive system. The tongue is flashy mass and has colour, texture and shape independent from the apparent qualities of the tongue coating. • A pale tongue body indicates the excess cold • A overly red tongue indicates the excess heat • Pale purple colour tongue indicates the stagnation related to cold • Reddish purple tongue indicated the stagnation related to heat • Bright red colour may be indicated the lacking iron or vitamin B12 • Normal tongue is pink or light red colour • Red tip of tongue is indicated to heat in heart • Scarlet colour tongue is indicated to deficiency of heart or lung depending on the area of the swelling • Pale tongue body indicates the blood deficiency Shape of the tongue: • A stiff or rigid tongue is difficulty move. This may cause abnormalities of speech • Swollen of tongue indicates the both spleen and heart heat. This could be due to excess alcohol consumption • Big or enlarged tongue indicates the deficiency of spleen and kidney • Half swollen tongue is indicates the general weakness of channels • Hammer shaped tongue is indicated the spleen, stomach and kidney deficiency • Hammer shaped tongue is almost serious condition, that indicates mental illness • Swollen both side of the tongue indicates the deficiency of liver and gallbladder. • Swollen between tip and centre of the surface may cause deficiency of lung and spleen. Which tends toward phlegm accumulation Features of tongue: • Red sports of the tip of the tongue not severe and may present in beginning stage of the illness • Red spots on the entire tongue may indicated more severe illness • Red spots on the side of the tongue may indicates liver, gallbladder illness • Red spots back of the tongue advance stage of the chronic illness may be kidney area. • White spots of the tongue due to deficiency of spleen and stomach In nadipathy a part from the Nadi / pulse examination, we evaluate the patient’s disease by looking at the tongue as well. Tongue represent the strong visual indicators of a person’s overall harmony or disharmony, there are special representation of the tongue with the colour of the body.