Cosmetic acupuncture is natural skin rejuvenation technique that stimulates the body healing energies and increases circulation to reduce wrinkles, fine lines and folds. Cosmetic acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles on the specific points of facial region. This procedure works to help patient of any age look younger and fresher, due to hormonal changes, environmental problems, age factors the facial complex can be diminish. Treating the acu points of the face promotes the flow of energy throughout the skin on the face while remove toxins.
Today most of the people using various synthetic cosmetic products to facial glow undergone undesired side effects. We at cure such side effects by applying cosmetic acupuncture and some other natural therapies. Most women suffer with unwanted hair growth on their face due to hormonal imbalance. clears such problem with natural therapies to balance the hormonal changes. We treat oil skin, dry skin, pimples, wrinkles and black heads by without using medicines.